
Formerly straight, currently 'flexible', I love girls, bicurious guys, and the girls who love them!

27 · male · United States Categories: Brunette, European Girls, Strippers Statistics: 1224 visitors, 7 awards

Personal Details

About Me

I'm a former totally straight male who has recently become... 'flexible'.

My first and primary attraction and romantic interest has always been for women, but for as long as I can remember I've had secret (until now! ) crushes on sexy and athletic guys who were swim team teammates during my high school and college years.

I've always kept my bisexual desires hidden because male bisexuality is so often misunderstood. There's so much pressure on guys to choose one side or the other (namely, "straight" or "gay"... ).

I also love how TSes are finally opening up and sharing their transformation experiences, and how modern medicine allows t-girls to become just as feminine as genetic girls, instead of being condemned to as freaks who don't pass as male or female. I can empathize with them insofar as they've been misunderstood, ridiculed, and marginalized at least as much as we bi guys.

All in all I'm really glad to be living at a time when old, rigid dogmas are being challenged. The anonymity of the internet has allowed our generation to be less afraid and more authentic with one another, and more able to learn in an open-source, decentralized, sincere way. I hope that by putting aside my fear and putting myself out there I'll help other bi and bi-curious guys explore their sexuality in a safe and fun manner. As well as meet some of the girls who guys like us!!

I think the camboy is eventually going to become almost as popular as the camgirl.

Another thing I love about the internet age is how it allows women to fully explore their sexuality in private and away from social pressure. Not only are girls today much more fully able to discover their bodies and their sexuality, they are also able to do so free of scorn and ridicule woman who wanted to look at porn or find a sexy toy for herself would walk into the back room of a seedy truck stop, while today it's point-and-click simple.

I really love being able to interact with girls from countries where they have to hide their sensuality and sexuality from most people, but who are totally wild online!

A turning point for me was when I did a private Skype show for a 23 year old Lebanese woman. She was so shy and reserved in some ways -- she refused to show her face entirely, and she only showed her naughty bits for a few seconds at a time, but it was so arousing for me to be this young woman's "cam whore" and to be able to not only get her off, but also give her some honest, heartfelt advice about the way we guys think. It was so extraordinary to share that sort of connection with an interesting, sweet girl who had been nothing more than an anonymous guest in my chat room only a few hours earlier.

The money is a pleasant bonus too, as well the freedom to travel and work from anywhere..

A lot of guys are too threatened to get involved with cam modeling because their egos and sense of masculinity are too threatened by the thought of having to perform for another guy. I'm hoping I'll be one of the pioneers in changing that.


About My Shows

I love performing for single girls, couples, and 'straight' bicurious guys (I was once one myself!) Gay guys are welcome to watch as well.

I have butt plugs, pumps, dildos, anal beads, vibes, fleshlight, and a few other toys as well!

My Rates

With Sound
Without Sound
1 minutes
$ 1.99 $ 0.99

My Blog

Some thoughts on gender and pushing outside my "comfort zone"... Pt. 1

It's sad to see relatives in my family who stopped challenging their "comfort zone." Physical aging is inevitable, but it's tragic to see family members build a trap for themselves by no longer leaving their comfort zone. Old thought patterns become ingrained, and it's terrible to see family member give up on themselves, and resign themselves to living far beneath their true potential.

My own comfort zone was to continually live under the delusion I harbored that it would be weak to give up on trying to achieve the masculine ideal archetype. But in fact, it was fear that kept me trapped with this delusion: specifically, the fear that others would see through it. I might be able to fool people for a while. But I knew deep down my reserved, thoughtful, somewhat shy approach was the natural style I would revert to. Almost the exact opposite of the gregarious, aggressive, determined approach of the alpha male. I had also internalized the teachings and conclusions of seduction community patterns of the seduction community...

Continued in Part 2!