Some thoughts on gender and pushing outside my "comfort zone"... Pt. 1
It's sad to see relatives in my family who stopped challenging their "comfort zone." Physical aging is inevitable, but it's tragic to see family members build a trap for themselves by no longer leaving their comfort zone. Old thought patterns become ingrained, and it's terrible to see family member give up on themselves, and resign themselves to living far beneath their true potential.
My own comfort zone was to continually live under the delusion I harbored that it would be weak to give up on trying to achieve the masculine ideal archetype. But in fact, it was fear that kept me trapped with this delusion: specifically, the fear that others would see through it. I might be able to fool people for a while. But I knew deep down my reserved, thoughtful, somewhat shy approach was the natural style I would revert to. Almost the exact opposite of the gregarious, aggressive, determined approach of the alpha male. I had also internalized the teachings and conclusions of seduction community patterns of the seduction community...
Continued in Part 2!