I'm very happy to inform you that Miss Deviant is now on IWantClips!
This is my preferred clip site, where I will be uploading both clips and audio files for you to enjoy. I generally upload content a minimum of 2 to 3 times per week, so make sure bookmark me so you don't miss a thing. I also offer regular coupon promotions so you can enjoy discounts when purchasing your favourite clips.
In addition to seeing the clips I have already uploaded, you also have the opportunity to request a custom clip for a subject or fetish of your choice. If you visit my custom site, you will see I cover a wide variety of different subjects, so I'm sure you will be able to find what suits you.
Custom clips are priced at $2.50 per min, minimum clip length 5 minutes and the maximum 30 minutes. You pay in advance for your requested clip, which is filmed and uploaded to My customs site within 4 weeks of your order. You also have the opportunity to make extra requests for a small additional fee.
If you require a custom clip to feature latex clothing, I will, of course, expect a sizeable deposit to cover the cost of the said clothing. I don't currently own many latex items, so you will be expected to cover the cost of any latex garments I don't currently own. You make this deposit by clicking, HERE.
Want your clip to be exclusive to you? That's no problem. I can even call you by your name in your exclusive custom clip and it will be for your eyes only. Nobody else will be able to view your clip. It exclusively yours!
IWantClips gives you many options to serve and devote yourself to Me. I have a dedicated phone line on there, which is open every day. Calls are charged at $2.00 per minute. There is also an option to make tributes to me via the site as well, so you can help fund things like a manicure or pedicure, or even a date night with my husband - all paid for by you. Think about that, cuck boys! I'm out with my husband, having a wonderful, romantic time and YOU have paid for it!
So come and check it out and see the hot content I have already uploaded. I know it will keep you up for hours!