Rainy Day

Long rainy day running errands. Just got home and can't wait to get in the shower and get pretty for all of my fans. If you want to see me later I will be on http://viola_frost.cammodels.com

I am excited to play for everyone tonight! Come play with me!

9 of Cups

This is the card of your wishes coming true. Even if it's reversed, you still get what you wanted, just maybe, not the way you expected.

Going Independent

In attempt to become as well known as My favorite findom, I've finally decided to take the plunge and go independent. However, I'll remain with my premium site as a safety net. I've also signed on with a couple of other sites that aren't as busy but may work in My favor.

Since I've taken the plunge to go independent, I'll also have to weed out the freeloaders. If they're not creeping into chatrooms to beg for freebies, they're sending IMs through Skype claiming that they want a show or asking to that you add them as a contact. I refuse to add anyone as a contact if they haven't even booked a prepaid show. And since I will not have My time wasted by no shows, there will be no refunds.

Going independent also means self promoting. No wonder the most successful findoms seem to be online so often. It has certainly paid off for them. I only hope to be half as good as My favorite findom.

I just noticed the blog here!

I am SO scattered!
Right now, trying to get a group of camgirls to go to the AVN in 2015 as exhibitors. The account rep said that we could split the payment and gave us some numbers.
We're trying to get organized while still maintaining our individual autonomy, and it's a little overwhelming.
I believe it can happen and I am super excited about that!

Why do I cam?

I have something called chronic lyme disease which renders me disabled and unable to work. To find out more you can go to www.timeforlyme.org Without being able to be productive I felt worthless. Even if I tried to work a little job here or there writing or teaching art classes, I would have so many sick days that I wasn't dependable. Before lyme I have always been a freespirited, outgoing, confident, brutally honest, open minded, cool girl.....after I felt I lost all of that. Camming has brought so much of myself, back to me. I'm not making really any money yet, so suggestions are always helpful, but my confidence is back. I smile more. I get off the damn couch and work out as much as my disabled body will let me. And now, through sites like these I can talk to other ladies who also believe that sex and sexuality are not big bad things. That's all for now.
Venus Love

My life and Webcamming

The really do not differ. I am the same girl that you would meet in person except with clothes on lol My personality remains intact. I have been in the internet world since I was about 10 or 11 years old and not much has changed except the software. I used to chat on yahoo back in the day when they had chat rooms. It was like a hang-out spot for me and others. I had a "boyfriend" and TONS of "friends. I had that in my normal just there was no power button. The whole process of meeting dudes off line and chatting with complete strangers is very dangerous and I have known that for a long time yet I continue with it. My dealings with people online and offline are the same...I know who to deal with and who not to. Its all in your judgment and instinct for my experience. After getting bored and my life was changing from teen to teen mom I stopped the online meeting. I met someone and we were together for 6 years until 2013 I just woke up and was like what the fuck have I been doing with my life? We were not progressing the way I felt we should've have been after that long of being together. So after the depressing split I started back where I left off. Online. This time I wanted to find a friend/companion A SUARDADDY. I know I know so reversed but it really wasn't for the money even though I didn't object when it was given I just wanted that friend that was on my level but didn't want the commitment. I was 18 when I got serious and I never did go out to dinners or movies with guys like dates it was always meet chill maybe sex but nothing much else. So I wanted to have fun with what I missed out on. I signed up on a dating site to meet sugar daddies. I have yet to meet a companion that I would click with from there. But I did meet a gentleman from craigslist YIKES ( I know) but he is the most sweetest man I know and has done things for that helped me get ahead to focus on myself.

Before I met him I was on sexyjobs.com and I wanted to make quick bucks FAST and knew I had what it would take I got offers but nothing concrete then I had an offer to webcam. At this point I had no webcam. I signed up for mongo cams I think and never appeared I just had the account. A month later I met my [sugar daddy] he took on a trip and during the trip surprised me with a brand new laptop!!! Webcam and all! lol It was sweet. Even then it didn't dawn on me about webcamming. I took for another offer from sexyjobs to get me to start putting my self out there as who you know now EbonyGoddess akaShanelEboni. I am still in my early stages but I promise you that this girl is about business and you WILL see more of me in the near future. I love what I do. How long I will do it? Only time will tell but for now let the show begin!

Setting up skype and more

Ugh it has been so slow on streamate that i have decided i really do need to step up my game by going out on my own. I will be setting up and doing skype shows soon in addition i will be having my own site soon... ready to spread my wings and fly.

"Can you pot your cam all the way in your ass"

The things guys ask me to do in my free chat room, this is going to be a fun blog. My responses are under in blue.

(These are paraphrased so we can understand the stupid)

-Can you put your cam in your ass
*Umm.... I don't think so babe... That sounds dirty
-Show feet BB!!! Show feet plzzz
*Again, no. I know your going to get off on it, so why do it for free. Go to omegle for the free shizz
-Hi, my name is _______, Can you call me a bitch?
*Whats in it for me babe?
-Whats your name, bb?
*Fuck pleasantries, call me Goddess or Mistress
-Oh my god!! You look just like my sister, can you pretend to be her for me?
* Sounds like fun, and you know what, I should just get naked too!!! Fuck my bills!
*(After I pick myself up off the floor from laughing) No
- I want to come in private, but I have no money. Can we just play out here?
*Annnddddd Block

So guys, just come take me to private. Im not going to play in free chat. Your just wasting both of our times.

Right now I have a special!! A 30 min session with me for $50 and get 5 pics with it!!

Follow me on twitter @Kristy_Russo
Add me on Skype: Pro.Ms.Kristy
Play with me on Imlive.com: MsKristy
Email me!! : Kristy_Russo@yahoo.com

Arg!! So fucking stressed

Today my account on imlive got frozen.

Paypal will not unlock my account.

I bought what was supposed to be a steel corset, its plastic, and the person won't give me a refund for the bad product AND they are trying to make it seem like its my fault.

I actually broke down and cried today from the sheer stress. The holidays just drained me of money, imlive froze my account so I can't even work right now off of them, and then I can't even train my waist with the shitty plastic corset that this a hole from china gave me. Its like every bad thing that could have possibly gone wrong today went wrong

It is so frustrating!! Then I try to work off of skype today as well, I offer shows for $50 and to be payed through Visa Gift cards, and suddenly no one wants a show. Why guys?? Can't you help a lovely lady out and you would be getting off on me in the process. Whats so wrong with that?

Follow me on twitter: @Kristy_Russo
Add me on Skype: Pro.Ms.Kristy
Find me on Imlive.com: MsKristy
Email me!! : Kristy_Russo@yahoo.com


Collarme is one of the worst fetish sites I have ever been on! Oh my god I had a guy writing me telling that he is taking over my subconscious. He wrote me a three paged paper basically, actually it was most likely a copypasta. It was so boring though!! I didn't eve read the whole thing, its like bro, Im not going to read all the bullshit. I dont have the attention span or time to waste on your shit. And apparently his copypasta told my "subconscious" to get naked for him. But I wouldn't know why. Puhlease brosky. I am not a fool, so don't try to treat me like one.

He's lucky, if I were there in person I would have shoved his head to the floor and told him that his subconscious was telling him to piss on his damn face.

Follow me on twitter: @Kristy_Russo
Add me on Skype: Pro.Ms.Kristy
Find me on Imlive.com: MsKristy
Email me!! : Kristy_Russo@yahoo.com


Today was a lot to handle but you guys helped me through it! Yay!!!!

Well first off, paypal has frozen my account. So I will no longer be accepting paypal payments. At least for now. I would love it if you guys could pay me through visa gift cards for the mean time and I can help/walk you through the process.

Alright, but I panicked when paypal froze my account, but right now I have it set to my sessions being labeled as online therapy sessions. So guys remember, I am your sexy online therapist, not your sexy pro domme

My day was alright though. You guys made me feel more relaxed and better. A lot of you came in for some play time which was great. It's always nice to see my good boys can really come through for me and made me feel better. Especially with all the good orgasms;D Those are just excellent.

I hope some of you are going to make me a tribute and maybe gift me something from my amazon wishlist. Like some sexy lingerie or some cute heels from my list to make this goddess squeal with delight!

Follow me on twitter: @Kristy_Russo
Add me on Skype: Pro.Ms.Kristy
Find me on Imlive.com: MsKristy
Email me!! : Kristy_Russo@yahoo.com

Read This

Some Important Things to Know

Well this is my first post and I have a few things I want to address.

If you are not 18 or older, this is not the place for you. I am sorry, but no. These are not the droids you are looking for, move along.

If you are suicidal and looking for someone to talk to, please take yourself to a hospital and find someone who can really help you. I am not trained for helping people with those kinds of needs.

If you have gotten an email from paypal and we have played before there, I am your online therapist. I had one person get their account put on hold and now my paypal is put on hold too. Life sucks -_-

Follow me on twitter: @Kristy_Russo
Add me on Skype: Pro.Ms.Kristy
Find me on Imlive.com: MsKristy
Email me!! : Kristy_Russo@yahoo.com